Thornes Marketplace mural artist Ernesto Maranje discusses his thought process in approaching any art project that he takes on in this digital extra.
See artist Ernesto Maranje in our full feature on the Thornes Marketplace mural.
Read the full transcript:
Ernesto Maranje, Muralist: I like to call it, like, an organic flow, a state of flow, a state of trends, meditative state, any of these words.
The best way I can explain it is, you kind of just have to give your all your attention to whatever it is you’re doing and just come at it with a very…just accepting way because there’s going to be conflict back and forth, you know, whether things work, they don’t work, whether you need to learn something else or not.
But the more attention you give it, the deeper into that state you can get into. And once you get into that state, I know that all types of things happen. You know, we all talk about it now, like, we’re all learning about it. And I think it’s definitely the way to go about it.
Yeah, just dive deep into it.