Two Mamas Farm is an organic maple farm in Cummington, MA. In addition to the maple trees, you’ll find a mile-round-trip hike to a waterfall on the south end of the property.
In this digital extra, farmer Sarah Fournier-Scanlon talks about the hiking trails that are open to the public, as well as the products that are available in their farm stand.
Learn about Two Mamas Farm in our full profile of the LGBTQIA-owned business.
Read the Full Transcript:
Sarah Fournier-Scanlon, Two Mamas Farm: Depending on what map you look at, we’re about 135 acres. We’ve got a public access waterfall trail. Our land is all in conservation, we did that back in 2010. And it’s a beautiful it’s like a one mile round trip hike that starts in the sugar bush so you can see the trees, kind of see our practices, and the waterfall is gorgeous. It’s I think technically more of a seven tier cascades, but we just call it a waterfall.
So this is our two mama’s farm stand we’re open May to December seven days a week, eight to five so it’s just a little country self-serve farm stand. Got all of our products in it for folks that want to come by and not order online or not pay shipping.
It’s all wood from our land, it’s our own white pine. There’s really no inputs except for the equipment. You know, even with dairy, it’s like, you know, we weren’t self-sufficient in hay, we weren’t self-sufficient in grain, but this is neat because it’s really it’s truly all from the farm.